Incontrovertible Evidence Definition and Legal Meaning

On this page, you'll find the legal definition and meaning of Incontrovertible Evidence, written in plain English, along with examples of how it is used.

What is Incontrovertible Evidence?

It refers to the evidence produced in the court which is ultimate in nature and that fact cannot be objected or denied such as DNA test or Fingerprints.

History and Meaning of Incontrovertible Evidence

Incontrovertible evidence is considered as the most conclusive evidence that one can present in a court of law. It is considered as a type of evidence that can not be disputed, challenged, objected or denied. The term "incontrovertible" means something that is undeniable, irrefutable and impossible to contradict. It is considered as the highest standard of proof that is required for a particular legal case.

Examples of Incontrovertible Evidence

  1. DNA evidence is considered as incontrovertible evidence in many cases.

  2. Video footage showing a crime being committed is often seen as incontrovertible evidence as it is not open to interpretation.

  3. Fingerprints are often used as incontrovertible evidence to convict a person.

  4. A signed confession is considered as incontrovertible evidence as long as it is proven that the person was not coerced into confessing.

Legal Terms Similar to Incontrovertible Evidence

  1. Circumstantial Evidence - Evidence that is based on inference rather than direct observation.

  2. Hearsay Evidence - Evidence that is based on hearsay or second-hand information.

  3. Direct Evidence - Evidence that is based on first-hand observation or personal knowledge.

  4. Relevant Evidence - Evidence that is directly related to the case at hand.

  5. Material Evidence - Evidence that is crucial or essential to the case.